Work Text Templates

If you don’t specify a “Work Text” column in your spreadsheet you have the option of using a template instead. AO3 Poster uses Jinja2 Templates.

Your spreadsheet data will be available in the template as data. For example, if your spreadsheet has an optional Length column for podcast length, your template might look like this:

<p>Thanks for listening to {{ data['Work Title'] }}!</p>
{% if data['Length'] %}<p><strong>Length:</strong> {{ data['Length'] }}</p>{% endif %}

Code editors

For editing your work text template, it is critical that you use a code editor like Sublime Text. Text editors like TextEdit or Word will insert invisible formatting marks into your template that may prevent it from rendering or make it render differently than you would expect. Code editors also have the ability to provide syntax highlighting to make it easier to read your template.